Can you believe we're staring down the face of 2010? Remember about 10 years ago...Y2K? Wondering if everything would blow up when the clock struck 12 and we entered the new millennium...and then it didn't...and some of us were a little disappointed because that meant we had to go back to work. :) Well, I'm just sayin'...some of us were just a tad disappointed but that's because we were young and we're so much wiser!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009's almost here...a new year!
Posted by Monica at 4:44 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
He's up to something...
Have you heard that song by Sanctus Real--Whatever You're's pretty much my "anthem" right now...especially this part of the has me on my knees
Whatever You’re doing inside of me It feels like chaos, but I believe …
You’re up to something bigger than me Larger than life, something heavenly
Whatever You’re doing inside of me It feels like chaos, but now I can see
This is something bigger than me Larger than life Something heavenly
If you see me right now and we talk about what's going on...I'll tell you how excited I I can't wait to see what God is going to I know it's all going to fall into place.
And all of these things are true, I believe this...most of the time I believe it with all my heart...I do...but then if I'm going to be transparent I'm going to tell you the doubts start creeping in and I'm scared to death...scared that maybe I can't measure up to this task...wonder HOW IN THE WORLD this is going to work out...If I'm going to be honest with you I will tell you I'm scared that I will get excited for the possibility of adding another child to our family...of turning our little foursome into a party of 5 (the new Jackson 5--haha...sorry had to say it...note to all those wondering we will not be naming any child Michael)...and then for God to say's not for you.
James and I feel very strongly about adoption (we support it in case you're wondering which way we go with that) :) In fact, it's our belief that as Christians we are called to care for the this doesn't always mean that we're all called TO adopt, but we are all called to care (I stole that line from our pastor) and we're all called to DO SOMETHING. So, we're really in heart aches at the thought of these children without families....seriously, sounds corny-right? But there are tears in my eyes right now as I type this (and of course wearing mascara...good job, Monica). There are so many options...domestic vs international...and if you choose international...then to choose a country. How do you even begin to narrow it down? And what if...just bare with me for a minute...what if God is saying, I love you're passion...but you're only meant to raise the money for other families...your job is to support families I've ordained to take up this task. Honestly, I don't have the answers, but we figure we're going to take the step of faith...James and I are choosing to start somewhere and then let God handle the rest.
We took our first "public"...well semi-public...step yesterday. LifeWay hosted a Craft Sale...I put up a booth with 30 necklaces (which are really cute I might add--but I'm a bit biased)...and honestly, I was hoping for a good turn out, but I didn't put too much stock in it especially since the previous sale I sold about 5 items...but see I believe (beyond a shadow of a doubt and I'm serious...I BELIEVE THIS) that God did His thing yesterday because every single one of those necklaces sold...every one of them plus I took extra orders. So, we've started the adoption fund...and that's what we're working towards right now. We want to adopt...oh, I can't tell you how much we'd love that...but we're going to be faithful with what God has told us to do right now and that's put money towards an adoption fund...whether it be for ourselves (crossing my fingers--okay not really--we're not superstitious) or whether it be for another family...we're going to be faithful with what He's guided at this point.
I'm going to be a little selfish and ask for you to pray for direction for us. For opened and closed doors....for us to know with certainty what God's plan is for us...not so much our plan for us (it's easy to confuse the two..ya know?) And in advance, thanks for walking this road with us...
Posted by Monica at 11:34 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009's been a while
I can't believe its been this long since I've last posted.
Not too much new going on started school in August. Hayden is in 2nd grade this year and homework is not near as much fun as it used to be. Abby is in 1st grade and already "knows everything". She's had to learn a few lessons on listening to her parents direction with homework....I have no idea where she gets it from that she thinks she just knows it all and doesn't need help. No idea at all.
We LOVE both of the kids teachers...we're in a new school this year and we couldn't be happier.
Hayden is playing baseball and won the game ball on Sunday. It's amazing to me how much he's improved (considering he has his mama's athletic skills). We're having fun with it, but I personally cannot wait for it to be over. It's so hectic with church, small group, ball, school....there's just not enough hours in the day.
I am working on getting my jewelry business back in the swing of things...when I took the new position at the Credit Union the jewelry kind of got put on hold. Now I feel like the stresses of the new job have died down enough that I can focus on my jewelry again--well, once b-ball is over anyways. :) I do feel a renewed passion for it and believe that I need to be using this gift the way I believe God is leading. I'm excited to see where it goes.
Ummm...I also realized that I have not put pictures up from Hayden's birthday--I kind of dropped the ball on the blog thing for a while...but if your a fb friend then you've already seen the pictures. If your not a fb friend...go add me because I do much better posting pictures there than I do here. :)
Posted by Monica at 8:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Abby's Birthday Pictures
Since today is Hayden's birthday, I figured I'd better get Abby's pictures up here so that I can post his sometime in the hopefully near future. :) I can't believe how quickly both the kids are growing up...I keep saying that but with each year, it just amazes me. Abby's pictures include a few shots from her actual birthday and then from her "friend party" which she had at a gymnastics place and it was a blast for the kids.
Posted by Monica at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
One thing I left out of my 30 second update on the last post...which I cannot believe I did it because it is the most important thing that has happened and will ever happen in our son's life...on May 26th, Hayden, in his words "asked Jesus into his heart."
Hayden played for the Cardinals this past baseball season...he was #5. Albert Pujols plays for the St. Louis Cardinals...He is #5. Hayden told me he really liked him (I thought it was because they shared the same number)...but no, you know why Hayden likes Albert Pujols? In his words, "Mom, you know what?" No, what? "I like the Cardinals #5 (I don't think he can say his last name) because he is a big time Christian...just like me, Mom. He plays baseball and he is a big time Christian."
I thought that was pretty cool. Welcome to the big league, son...
Posted by Monica at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
30 seconds to catch up the last month or so...
I know...I know...I've been so behind. When I say its been busy, it's been busy! So, I'm going to try to do a short version recap of what our life has looked like since I last posted....Here goes:
~We moved to a new house (love it) over Mother's Day weekend...
~Friday-the day we moved-I ran over some metal stake and yanked the muffler away from the
catalyc converter--thankful for our wonderful friend Mr. Gordon who was helping us move and also ended up fixin my car.
~I got mono at that same time of the move (literally two days before the move I started getting sick)-no I had not been kissing anyone other than my hubby.
Took a few weeks to rebound, hated not like being sick at all.
~Hayden played ball...Abby watched Hayden play ball
~Mimi came to visit over Memorial Day
~School's out (cannot believe the year is over-how did that happen??)
~Baseball season is over, Hayden had improved quite a bit. This season was much more competitive--Dad liked, Mom not so much. :)
~Abby's 6th Birthday was yesterday, (more to come on that in the next post)
~The kids leave for TX on Wednesday to hang out with grandparents and cousins, already regretting signing up for this...I have a pit in my stomach thinking about them leaving but I know they'll have fun.
~Kids are starting a new daycare for the summer which we're so excited about when they get back from TX.
~James and I celebrate the big 10 this Friday!!
That's about it. I'll download pictures of Abby's Birthday and maybe some baseball and get them uploaded on here as soon as possible (like within the next week hopefully)
Posted by Monica at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Our Girls Weekend...
While the boys went on their trip to Talladega the girls stayed home and had our own little girls only weekend.
We started off Friday night by ordering pizza, making brownies for ice cream sundaes, and watching movies while putting on press on nails. (I'm a big fan of press on nails for the little drying time, no mess, and they pop right off when we're done!!)
We watched 3 movies that night...Hannah Montana (I'm a secret fan of...except not a secret anymore since I just posted it on the blog), Pheneas & Ferb, and The Tale of Despereux (very cute). Abby went to sleep around 11:30...I started reading The Shack, bawled like a baby--ugly cried at a few parts, picked the sleeping girl up and held her for almost an hour...fell asleep at around 2:30am. Thought I was going to get to FINALLY sleep in...but noooo, Ab woke me up at about 8am. (I guess that is sleeping in for me since I usually am rolling out of bed at 5:30)...anyway, made a KK (Krispy Kreme) run...watched the last of our movies (Little Mermaid-The Beginning)...and then started our second round of baking.
Sunday was a work day for us because unfortunately packing for the move does not go on hold just because of girls weekend. So we went thru her toys and have them all organized for goodwill and the house. We were very productive.
We had a wonderful, great, awesome, fun weekend. I love doing the boy/girl stuff from time to time...its just nice to be able to hang out with each child and give them special attention.
Enjoy the pictures!
Posted by Monica at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Here's some pictures from the boy's trip to Talladega. Hayden, James and Grandpa Jim had a GREAT time. They saw an awesome race and I'm sure they will never forget this weekend. I'm so glad they were able to share it together.
Hayden was given a lug nut by one of the Nascar Official's from an actual race car. You would think it's gold!! He also painted his own wooden stock car and raced it against other kids' cars...he won one of the races. He's still walking on cloud 9!
Posted by Monica at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
My Papa George
Since my grandmother (aka Mama B) passed away back in '05 we did not think my grandfather, (aka Papa George), would live much longer after that. In fact, I was surprised that it was Mama B who went before him. But Papa George was stubborn...and we think he and his Aunt were in a silent competition to see who'd outlast the other (she's 97)...she won.
Honestly, I always thought that when Papa George died it wouldn't hit me that hard because he'd lived such a long life (91 years for crying out loud!!!) and he'd experienced a good life. A very good life. So it took me by surprise the reaction I felt. I mean, people, I ugly cried at the funeral...UGLY CRY...come on! I cried at my grandmothers funeral as well...but I thought it was because my sister was sitting next to me bawling her eyes out., I guess not because this time she couldn't be there--so it was just me sitting there bawling my eyes out.
It wasn't so much the fact that he'd died...because in reality he was finally getting to live again. We believe beyond a shadow of a doubt he is in Heaven where he is no longer confined to his ailing aged body. I think why it hit me so hard is that a chapter of our life has chapter that held very special memories. I think that's what I mourned...I mourned the past.
My grandparents were such special people. I was more like my Mama B...(yes, Mom I just admitted that)...she was creative and funny and liked to be around people.
My Papa George was quiet, he did amazing woodwork...tinkered with things to make in the garage...he was loyal to his friends and his work. He worked for Nabisco for 39 years and they would NEVER buy competition...NEVER.
He served our country in World War II and was given military honors at the gravesite...we have a flag and that's something I treasure.
Did I mention though, he's stubborn? I get that from him. I'm very much like Mama B...but I'm just as hard headed as Papa George.
My grandparents were different in many ways, but I think that's what made their marriage work the way it did--they weren't outwardly lovey dovey when it came to their feelings for each other but they were committed to one another, they took care of each other--they showed their love thru actions not just in words.
I do have to mention this because I think its funny...while my Mom and my Aunt were growing up in the house my Mama B and Papa George had two separate twin size beds...not until Mom and Aunt Carolyn moved out did they put the beds together. I think it's hilarious.
My grandfather lived on the same street in Orlando for 87 years. I can't fathom that since I've moved to 9 different cities/areas, lived in 17 different houses/apts etc in my life. My Mama B had to live two houses down from her Mother-In-Law...whew...(just kidding Joni!)
My grandparents always made my brother, sister and I a priority--we were their only grandkids....and they loved us so much. They drove from Florida to Texas numerous times to take care of us when my parents would go on Mission Trips, Ski Trips, Vacations...okay, just kidding...most of the time my parents did not leave us at home while they took a vacation although maybe they should have. We had so much fun when they came to visit--always a new adventure.
We really do have great memories of Mama B and Papa George that will stay with us the rest of our lives. We cherish those memories...
Posted by Monica at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
I'm a little behind...OKAY, I'M A LOT BEHIND!!!
I realize its been just over a month since I've updated the blog...and I've become one of those bloggers that drive me crazy because I like regular blog updates (like daily if possible) has gotten so busy and there is so much I want to share--so much going on in our family, but for tonight I want to focus on our extended family...specifically James' sister, Kristin's family.

Posted by Monica at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Our family loves to play the wii...we play it often...every now and then we actually play games in real life's some pics of the kids at a bowling party for our new friend Landon!
They had a great time, Abby did tell me that real life bowling is a lot harder than Wii bowling. She usually beats the pants off of us when we play wii (as well as almost run into the tv atleast 1/2 a dozen times!)
I think real life bowling might become a new family just can't do it in your pjs at home.
Posted by Monica at 9:54 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
A little preachin'...
We know the economy is's all over the media...but more than that it's probably affected either you directly or someone you know...for us its hit our extended family pretty hard...
We found out last night my Dad's job was being deleted.
My brother-in-law has been job searching for almost a year (if not longer)...
My sister-in-law and her husband are trying to sell there house...
None of this is easy... 401ks have taken hits, retirement plans for our kids grandparents have been changed...there's a lot of unknown...and with that it can be frightening. The unknown is always a little scary...but what I find comfort in is this:
No matter how we are affected, God has not let go of control. None of what has happened in the economy or in our personal lives has surprised Him. And He still has a plan for each of our lives. He will continue to take care of our needs...each and every one of's His promise to us. On top of that...his timing is always perfect...ALWAYS...even when we can't see it.
Is this down economy fun? Of course not...would we all choose for it to be different...uhhh-YEAH! But with all that said, doesn't it require us to turn our attention back to quit being self reliant...and put our faith back in the One (and only One) who is really in control? I'm talking to myself here...because I tend to think I can do it on my own...until I am brought to my knees and shown that I can do NOTHING on my own.
So there's your little 5 minute sermon for today...I'll step down from the pulpit
Posted by Monica at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Happy Valentines Day...a little late!
I'll be honest....Valentines Day isn't really that big of a deal to me. I know...I know...shock of all shocks...but I would much rather James send me flowers just for the fun of it than buy them only on V-day (which I have to give props to J--he does do that often, 9 times out of 10 if I get flowers its just because and I love it!)
But on the flip side...I do like making V-day something special for the kids. I don't know why I'm so backwards, but I am and I own let me tell you about our Valentines Day.
You know how I said I like flowers out of the blue....I like pretty much anything I get out of the blue...and James came thru this year BIG. Two weeks ago I got an early Valentines Day Gift...let me rephrase that....I got an early Vday gift, an early anniversary gift, an early birthday gift, and an early Christmas gift all wrapped up in one pretty ring. We were at the park playing with the kids...when we left he said we needed to go by somewhere...which he then drove to the local jewelry store and he let me pick out a new ring. If you don't know this about me already...I happen to love jewelry. I mean I love making it...but I'll be honest--diamonds could be one of my best friends. :) I love jewelry...I hope one day to design fine jewelry as well as what I design now.'s my early everything gift for this year:
He also got me a box of chocolates for Valentines Day itself...and he remembered to get the Sugar Free kind since I am trying really hard not to fall off the wagon. :) Oh...and the card...we got the same exact card for eachother...which I am going to have to scan and put on here because it's hilarious! (This is not the first time we've done that either...last year on our anniversary, same cards then too)
I ended up getting J a new bike...which doesn't seem all that exciting to me-but then I guess a diamond ring doesn't seem all that exciting to him, he was surprised and loved it...he especially loved that he can now go bike riding with the kids (all the power to him).
For the kids...this was the really fun part!
We have been looking in stores since Christmas for Mario Kart Wii and haven't been able to find it (which btw we saw one at Target on Sam Ridley in Smyrna on Saturday--just fyi if you're looking for one) we ended up ordering it online, though. Hayden was talking about wanting it on Wednesday night, and we were like "I know...I wish the stores would get some of those'll probably be months though" He was like "It's crazy, Mom! How hard is it to put it out on the shelf" (He didn't quite get that the stores didn't actually have the games...he was just thinking those employees were too lazy to put them out--that cracked me up)...needless to say he was suprised when he got the Mario Kart Wii!!
Not wanting to out James or anything, but I think this ended up being a gift for the both of them. :) After playing the wii for a while the boys went to ride bikes and had lunch at Hayden's favorite place (Burger King).
For Abby's Valentine suprise...she got to go to Build-A-Bear (and a girls only lunch at Chili's)...we had a blast. She was so excited to make a new friend for all of her other bears. She also got to go to a birthday party at a gymnastic place and it was so much fun. She's already planning for her party...on June 7th, 2009 as she is telling everyone (can't leave off the 2009, we need to make sure they get the right year!)
Here's her new friend, appropriately named Love since it was made on Valentines Day
And here she is tuckered out--precious, huh?
It was a great weekend...we had so much fun just being able to spend time with the kids and eachother...oh how I love my family--I feel blessed beyond measure!
Posted by Monica at 5:34 AM 2 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Busy Times...
So, you may (or may not for that matter) have noticed that I have been slacking when it comes to posting on the blog lately. The reason...well quite that I have been busy. I mean the kind of busy that there's never enough hours in the day, yet it seems like the pile of work that needs to get done keeps growing instead of shrinking...yeah, that kind of busy.
Not much new is really going on here either...Hayden is starting back at baseball next month and we think we're going to put Abby in I'm sure I'll have more to blog about in March. Abby did say something funny last night...she was telling me a story and was trying to think of something when she kind of did this knocking thing on her head with her fist and said, "Come ON, brain...get working!!" I have no idea where they come up with the stuff they say, but they are live comedy 24/7.
I will take some pictures of the kids with their Valentines Day gifts and I'm going to have to brag on my husband a little bit...he doesn't know it yet, though. I'll try to fit that in during the next day or so..we will see. Oh...and a funny story to share regarding V-day <3 And I'm loving the hearts I learned to make on Facebook.
I'm rambling...I'll close for now, but check by tomorrow...or Monday...or next week...or possibly in a month and I'll have some pictures and stories to share. :)
Posted by Monica at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 30, 2009
School Project (aka Arts & Crafts for Mom)
Hayden has been learning about Penguins at school. I must say penguins are one of my favorites...they are just so adorable...I mean the cutest little things.
Well we got to make a penguin out of a 2 Liter pop bottle. Our penguin was a Nashville Predator Fan (that's why he's holding the Pred flag)
Of course, since Hayden was doing something Abby had to as after we were done with H's project we used left overs to make Ab a penguin too. She calls hers Chick. Very practical kid. :) Hayden named his Crazy...because he put crazy hair on his head and Pred fans can be a little crazy! These kids crack me up.
Here are some pics:
**Please keep praying for our friends (see post below)...don't have any updates**
And for Melanie, your finally have an update on your niece and nephew--quit bugging me!!! :)
Posted by Monica at 6:08 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Prayer Request ASAP!
We're so proud of them and will fill you in with more info as it comes available. Thanks ya'll for walking alongside this family that we love so much.
Posted by Monica at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Respect for the former Mr. President
I think it's appalling how many Americans are so disrespectful of George Bush. I may not agree with everything he did as president, but I do believe he deserves our respect and gratitude for the time he served in office. One of my friends had posted this on facebook and I really liked it, so I'm posting the link here.
Posted by Monica at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Random Post...'s the husband and I have "agreed to disagree" for quite a while now...I just knew I was right and there was no other possible scenario. Turns out...I might not have been as right as I thought (or KNEW) I was...
See...I've been dieting for whole life...okay not really...but for awhile and haven't seen the results I want to. light of complete honesty here...there are other areas that I need to work on, not just eating you know the E word...yeah, that one...excercise. But our disagreement involved diet pop--which I happen to be addicted to. I drink soda (and it's diet) all the a 6 pack a day...and he's been saying that's probably hindering me from reaching my goal. I thought he was off his rocker...turns out...not so much. Did anyone else know that caffeine can actually hinder weight loss?! OHMYGOSH are you KIDDING me??? I mean, it's bad bread, no sugar...only low carb but now NO CAFFEINE. Say it ain't so...
Well, today is a new day....I have just finished my 4th 20 oz bottle of WATER--maybe I forgot to mention how much I DESPISE WATER...hate the stuff makes me gag drinking not like water not one aioda. But you heard me right--I've drank 80 oz today. Now...I will say I can't cut caffeine out cold behavior without having caffeine could lead me to lose my job, my kids would really dislike me, and my husband...well lets just say it wouldn't be pretty...but I've only had ONE diet mt. dew today.
(Oh, and guess what...going to the Y tonight for some eleptical time) and starting Zumba on Friday. And for the record, yes I"m well aware that I have NO GROOVE, NO COORDINATION and will look like a complete idiot...I'm okay with it.)
So that's it for my random post...I'll try to come up with something more exciting in the next few days. Maybe I'll get working on another video of those silly kids. :) Have a great day ya'll!
Posted by Monica at 1:01 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The Karate Kid
This morning The Karate Kid came on tv...the kids have never seen it...and they actually liked it. We had forgotten how awful the acting was back in the day...but we had a good time hanging out with our kids. After the movie...they came up with their own version of The Karate Kid.
I'll let the "movie" speak for itself...
Posted by Monica at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Police Academy...Here I Come!
I've decided to quit my job at the Credit Union...I'm pursuing a new line of work...police work. Okay, not really...I'm keeping my day job but I had so much fun this week doing a little 'bit of detective work.
Here's the story in a of our member's checkbooks had gotten stolen. She was not aware of it until someone tried to come in and cash a check. When the signature on the check didn't match the signature on the card, we contacted our member to verify that this was a legitimate was not. Our member at that time realized her wallet (with checkbook and credit cards, etc) was missing from her purse. At this point, our teller handed the matter over to me...
Some of you may recall we had an incident happen like this a few months. That situation scared the you know what out of me...but this was a 19-20 year old kid trying to pass this check...he didn't scare me. If anything I was more like, "Make my day, punk"...well, I asked the kid where he'd gotten the check...he said he was cashing it for a friend of his because she'd lost her ID. He handed me his cell phone and told me I could talk to her. I did...for two seconds, when I told her who I was she hung up. I told the kid I needed to write down the phone was amazing how cooperative he was when he found out it was a stolen check. So, I wrote down the number and name for the girl and escorted the kid out of the building...
After kid left, I started thinking I could probably pressure him to get the wallet back for our member.
#1 I hate thieves...that's just stupid and such a selfish act to steal's Kindergarten 101 of right and wrong but
#2 I really wanted our member to be able and say, "Not only did OUR Credit Union stop fraud on our account....but they also recovered the stolen wallet"...(I'm over the top on Customer Service and I am very proud of what we do at the Credit Union)
#3 Identity theft...that just makes me mad. Criminals that do this think that it doesn't really hurt anyone atleast in the realm of finances because they know funds are protected...but it does. It affects all of us...if rates go up on our fraud insurance premiums...guess what? Members and customers of financial institutions pay the well as employees because at times layoffs are required especially in the economy we are in right now.
Okay, I'll step down from my soap box but just for the record I think punishment for bank fraud and identity theft needs to be much stiffer to send a message that we will not tolerate it. Back to the story...
To make a long story short, kid was scared spitless (YES I SAID SPITLESS) and he worked with me to get any and all info I needed regarding friend. I won't bore you with all of the details of the girl, but after some good cop/bad cop techniques learned from the many hours I've invested in watching cop shows...I'm happy to report the wallet was recovered. I WAS ECSTATIC. It actually was a lot of fun--and a rush like no other to have the wallet in my hands giving it to our member, but I think I'd rather stick to helping our members with ordinary things like cash withdrawals and deposits, statement copies, credit card disputes...versus the more intense things like criminal investigations. We've turned the case over to the authorities now...I'll let them proceed from here.
What a great way to end the week!
Posted by Monica at 5:16 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
See what I learned you can do on picasa?? Photo collages (in case you missed it--the collage is above where the title used to be) cool is that?! This may be old news to ya'll but I'm pretty impressed.
Posted by Monica at 6:18 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
What A Vacation...
We loved West Virginia...we were out in the sticks (literally) and there were no big towns nearby.
But it was one of the most relaxing trips I think we've ever taken. It was so nice to sit around the cabin...sleep games...Santa came again--we all got spoiled (I got a flip video recorder--highly recommend all parents having one of these soooo cool)..had a eat...and eat some more. Play dominoes...a lot. Watch Nana make some pretty comical moves playing dominoes...laugh alot...and laugh some more. Read a book...cry reading the more the kids break the ice on the pond to "FREE THE FISH"...(I never knew our kids were so fish friendly)
What a are some pics of our trip to West Virginia.
Posted by Monica at 9:01 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
Marley & Me
We went to see this movie today that the kids had been so excited about seeing...and it was a good was hilarious at times, but...let me forwarn you...I cried like a baby...and so did my son. For those of you that haven't seen it you may want to stop reading this...otherwise, I hold no responsibility for ruining the outcome of the show.
Marley dies...and I don't really consider myself an animal person...but I cried the ugly kind of cry...uncontrollable sobbing. Red Eyes, mascara running (Kristin, I need to purchase the waterproof Arbonne mascara)...not pretty at all. But what really broke my heart....Hayden didn't realize what had happened when he died...not until they were burying Marley did he turn to me in the theater go, "Mom...WHAT happened?" I said, "Honey, Marley died"...tears welled up in his eyes but then the movie ended and he stood there crying in Nana's arms. It made me cry all over again watching him (okay, I laughed just a little too...I know I know...that's not nice...but it was a little comical too)
Tonight we were talking about the movie at dinner (yes, I know not the smartest when your child has been traumatized over a movie like this)...but his eyes welled up again just talking about it.
So, my verdict of the really was a great movie...but maybe not particularly the best for a sensitive 7 year old kid. (Abby had no problem with the movie just FYI) Oh, and we did have to cover their eyes a couple of times just because I'm not ready to have THAT talk of where babies come from. :) There you go...
Posted by Monica at 6:50 PM 0 comments