Well, the trip went really well. (Melissa, the gameboy and DS was a lifesaver...they played the whole trip...thank you-thank you-thank you!!)
We got to Austin on Friday around 5:30pm...it really wasn't near as bad of a drive as I thought it would be.
I have pictures to post, but can't find my adapter (what's new??)...the kids are having a great time. They love Nana and Grandad's house (Hayden said he needed a map to find where he was going in the house) and they want to move next door to them. I told them that we had to work really hard and save up our money to get a house like Nana and Grandads...Hayden said, "Okay, I want ya'll to do that...work really hard." Abby said she just wants to live with Nana forever and ever! We've gone swimming, shopping, to the movies, dug holes...planted trees...found treasures in the ground (Texas rock)...it's been an eventful first couple of days.
I will post again as soon as I find my adapter.
Monday, June 30, 2008
We made it!!
Posted by Monica at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Vince and Madi...aren't they cute?!
We're heading out to TX tomorrow to see James' parents--(14 hour drive with two children, ask me if I'm excited...DRAMAMINE...that's all I have to say)
Kristin, Al and the kids will be coming in on Tuesday. Bryant (James' brother) and Shalea will be there on Wednesday...then off to a camp in Oklahoma for a full fledge family reunion with aunts/uncles, cousins, extended family--the whole works!! It's going to be a fun week for the kids hanging out with their cousins. Since everyone is spread out across the country we don't get together too often so we're pretty excited. We'll get to play some 42 (dominoes, for those of you who don't know what 42 is)--that will probably be the highlight for James and I. :)
James and I will be coming home next Sunday, but the kids are staying an extra week at Nana's. I'm a little nervous to be that far away from them...but I'm sure they will have a great time. They get home and the next weekend we'll be having Hayden's 7th birthday...time is sure flying by.
I have pictures from Hayden's baseball party (he's so proud of his trophy) but I forgot my adapter to download the pics to the computer. I'll try to update when we get back from TX.
If you don't mind, remember to say a prayer for all of us these next few days...pray for safety while traveling and sanity during the vacation... :)
Thanks ya'll!!
Posted by Monica at 6:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Brace yourselves...
I have finally posted some of my jewelry pieces for sale on my jewelry blog. (GASP...) I know...it's a shocker, I finally did it.
Don't get too excited...there's only a few pieces right now (primarily because I'm pretty much sold out of a lot of stuff and inventory is low). But keep checking back, in August I'll be launching a new collection and should have my catalog out from printing. (As long as everything stays on track with the game plan)
The business blog is just a temporary fix right now, too...I will be creating a website with an online store in the near future. (Near future in my language means sometime within the next year :) )
Well, check it out...click on the iMage Jewelry link on the upper right side of this blog page.
Thanks ya'll and you know I love feedback (as long as it's positive, no criticism... :) just kidding!!
Posted by Monica at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
It's easy for life to get caught up and to forget the blessings we've been given...maybe forget is the wrong word...take for granted...that's a better word. We take for granted what God has given to us...something we begged and pleaded for...and then just a few years later...we've brushed it aside...we've ALMOST forgotten the pain, the excitement, the hope, the peace...ALMOST...but not quite...and then He sends little reminders of the road we travelled and that our miracle was not just for our benefit but for His glory.
Today I came across a blog of a woman pregnant with their first child, a boy...and he had been diagnosed with a condition called Cystic Hygroma...it was our situation replicated...and it flooded me with all of those feelings while I read her blog. It also reminded me that we were granted a miracle...what were we doing with what we'd been given. We went thru this and how were we using our experiences to bring glory to God...I'm ashamed to say...I haven't really. I have great intentions to...I just lack the execution.
Most of you know, I keep up to date with the blog 'Bring the Rain'. I admire Angie, a mother who has had to endure saying goodbye to her baby girl, yet she is using her experience to bring glory to Him...I was given the miracle...and yet I sit idley by. It's inexcusable...
So, I'm asking for prayer...1st for this family going thru what we faced just 7 years ago...I've attached a link to their blog...'He will carry me'...pray, pray, pray for this family. It is one of the hardest places to be...in between hoping for the miracle and preparing for God to make a different call. It's a very difficult balance.
Also, pray for me...and James...as we explore how God wants to use Hayden's story to bring glory to Him. I have so many ideas...but I don't want it to be me...I want it to be God's plan.
I'm excited to see what comes of this...
Posted by Monica at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
9 and Counting...
Hayden and James went and picked them out...Hayden said they are really pretty. :) They did good.
James had gotten me a pair of diamond studs when we got married. I loved those earrings...but Abby had lost one of them about 2 years ago and I was devastated. So...I finally have a pair of diamonds again...he did good, very good!
Posted by Monica at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Something must have been pretty funny...
Here she is with Zoie Bear waiting oh so patiently to open her gifts :) Yeah, right!!
Since all of our grandparents live away...Abby was pretty excited that Mimi made the trip out for her birthday...she loves being with her Mimi...(oh, and yes...that's Zoie Bear) I forgot my camera to take pictures at Build A Bear...good job, Mom...I know!
They just look like they're getting along so that they can hurry up and eat cake and ice cream...don't be fooled--they were pinching eachother while I was taking the picture!! :) Brothers and sisters...what can I say??
We think Abby prefers this kitty over the real one that her Mommy and Daddy just thought would be the best birthday gift...go figure, but good job, Aunt Carolyn--she loves it!! (Notice the socks? Strawberry Shortcake--also from Aunt Carolyn...Abby's got some crazy style)
Posted by Monica at 6:13 AM 0 comments
Posted by Monica at 6:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Okay, I'm a little bit of a freak when it comes to swimming pools and kids...I'm alright with admitting it...it's one of my phobias...but if you haven't heard about this story of the little boy that "dry drowned" please check out the story at http://www.msnbc.com/ (Titled 'Dry Drowning' claims 10 year old--I think??) ...I had never heard of it before (I may be a little in the dark, who knows??)
Back in December, we went swimming at the Y and Hayden had taken in A LOT of water...being the good parents that we are, we wanted him to try swimming without his floaties...when we got home, he wasn't just tired...he was on the brink of exhaustion...and we were only swimming for maybe 30 minutes. He started running a fever and eventually got sick...in fact at the time I wasn't so grateful, but now hearing about this I am so thankful that he got sick...3 or 4 TIMES! Anyway, I feel very strongly this could have been what Hayden went thru...and I want everyone to be aware that it's not just a random thing that can happen. I know that it's rare to hear about a child dying but to feel like we were that close to something so tragic is eye opening.
I may be over-reacting, but I would rather be safe than sorry...
Okay, I'm done with my rant today! We have our last game tonight before tournies this weekend...hopefully I'll post some baseball pics tomorrow!
Posted by Monica at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
We have added a new member to our family...
Fluffy! (She doesn't look like a "Fluffy"...but that's what Abby had named her long before we got her)
We figured it was about time Jackson got a cousin (Uncle Bryant and Aunt Shalea's cat). Abby gave Fluffy her very own 'pink night-night'...it was so cute. And Fluffy loves it. On Saturday night, her first night at her new home, Abby tucked her in...she said prayers with her and sang her a song...You are My Sunshine (which is my song for the kids) and then she covered her up with her pink night night...Abby came running in the kitchen and said, "That did the trick...that did it Mom...I gently laid the pink night night over Fluffy and she went right to sleep...it just did the trick!" She was so cute.
Abby's Birthday is on Saturday and she will be 5 YEARS OLD...I can't believe it. Fluffy was her special birthday gift and I think she's ecstatic over her.
Posted by Monica at 7:25 AM 0 comments