Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Proud of my husband...

On Sunday, our service was about husbands and wives...(yes, the dreaded 'Wives submit to your husband' sermon) but this time, it was different...our associate pastor didn't say it was just me that was supposed to submit, but that submission is everyone's responsibility. He kept repeating Submission is MY responsibility...and then he discussed what husbands want most out of a wife (and let me tell you it's not what I was thinking!) they want respect. God opened my eyes that I have not done such a great job of this in the past. Ask anyone who knows me...I think I'm always right and my way is the best...but that attitude is not a portrait of a christian wife...and as much as I love James, my actions and words don't always portray respect of him. So, I'm blogging about James today...and yes, it's going to be mushy...but what can I say?

I respect James for many reasons...one of the main ones is that he has always provided for his family.
For those of you that don't know we were married young (and a lot of people thought we were crazy)...but in all the time that we've been married, we have always had a nice place to live--more than enough food on the table and in our refrigerator (unless I haven't gone grocery shopping)--clothes on our backs and plenty of extras...and that's because (#1 God's blessing) and James has always worked his tail off.
One thing I admire in him is that he would work anywhere he had to provide for his wife and kids...and he's always been that way, he would go work at the gas station down the street if he had to...and that makes me so glad that I have such a wonderful husband, but also such an upstanding guy for our kids to look up to. We made the choice to get married young, which meant we made sacrifices...one of those being that James was not able to finish his college degree in the manner most "kids" are able to. But even to this day he hasn't given up, he is still working to complete it. He also didn't let it stop him in accomplishing what he has (again, of course all of this is thru God's blessing on our life) but he has a career...and even without that piece of paper that has almost become "hallowed" for people today. We've had help along the way, don't get me wrong. There have been times, we've been blessed with extra money here and there from family. But for the majority of his college career and our married life, raising kids, etc....he's done it on his own...and that's how he wants it. He does not like to take hand outs...and although, I'm totally okay with accepting free money...I respect him that he's not. This means alot to me as a wife...because I know my husband will always take care of us...but as a mother, it means even more...our son Hayden wants to be just like James...in fact he is just like James. They are so similar it's scarey...but James is laying out a foundation for our son of what it means to be a Godly man and also what a true husband looks like for his daughter one day. I am proud beyond words of my husband...and so I hope this makes a tiny dent in the lack of RESPECT I have shown in the past. James is going to be so embarressed. :)

I told you guys I'd be bragging...and it's my blog...so I guess I can do that...but let me just end with this...of course everything we have, everything we're given..it's all from God. I'm just thankful God gave me such a great guy to spend my life with. Okay, enough MUSH!!

Ya'll have a great day!


-keith said...

That was absolutely beautiful, Monica. I also happen to agree that your husband is beyond AWESOME!! He married pretty well, too =-]

Thank you for that post, it blessed my heart and day.

kbsmom said...

Wooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo!!!! You go girl!!!! You have the right to get all mushy .... not only has God blessed you with James and a few material things here and there but the BEST thing God has blessed you with are the 2 precious children you guys have.
Preach on, sistah girl!!!!!