Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Scary Kind of Morning

Most of you know I work for a Credit Union...and I'm very blessed that our Credit Union is in the LifeWay building which yields much difficulty for potential robberies. Very thankful for this...and I will admit I've been pretty naive to the whole thing....I always thought oh if we were robbed I would be one cool cat. Yeah, God proved me wrong this morning.

On Monday, a man came into the Credit Union to cash a check drawn off of one of our members accounts...turns out those checks had been stolen.
Well, the man came in since I'm the one supposedly in charge over the Teller Line I figured it would not be good for me to be hiding under my desk in my office...instead I took the bull by the horn. (Seriously, he kind of looked like a bull) But honestly, the whole time I'm thinking..."Please don't pull out a gun, please don't hurt us...I really don't want to get robbed"...I had called our president ahead of time, because lets face it I was scared to he goes walking out in the lobby and heads to the back door and I'm thinking, "You're leaving me here by myself...come on, I have two small kids...I don't want to handle this dude on my own". Luckily, president changed his mind and shut the door....he later informed me that he did that intentionally to have a description of the guy and he was not going to leave me in the lobby by myself. (Sigh of relief that my supervisor wouldn't throw me out to the piranhas)
I basically told the guy that the account was closed and the whole time I was thinking, pull it together you're voice is shaking...along with my hands, legs, and everything else...I was a nervous wreck.

He left...but when I checked with security he hadn't actually signed I'm a little nervous that he might of decked off into a hiding is checking the building now...I'll keep you posted.

In all seriousness, I know this was really nothing...but the fact that it could have been was a little nerve wracking for me. Plus did I mention he was scary looking...big bushy black beird...long black hair pulled in a pony tail...wore a big camo jacket...I mean not the look most of our members go for.

Nothing like a little excitement to get the day going on a Wednesday!!